Evolve a personal style within alternative fashion

Ever since I began to experiment with different types of styles it has become painfully clear that I'm not a put together, mature well-dressed person. There's too much punk and who-gives-a-shit-? in me to feel comfortable in classy, sassy or sweet. It's weird when my clothes lack rips, holes, or a hood and when there's …

Not a very exciting post

August left me with no less than 29 drafts waiting to become real posts to publish but everything I write seems to be unfinished fragments of thoughts and ideas. There's just so much going on in the world right now that I can't seem to focus and it's only two weeks left to the election …

Going back?

My hair has been ginger red for nearly three months now and...it has been fun but maybe it is time to go back to black? At least when I run out of red color bombs, probably within a month or so. Maybe I'll pop in a darker shade of chestnut box dye before to see …

Creature of the Night

Early bird, night owl or permanently exhausted pigeon? As for my image, it sure as hell is fitting that the time I feel the most alive is around dusk, when the sun sets and everything gets moody and beautiful. But that’s basically it, the rest is utter crap. My body thinks that the optimal window …

Sustainable Rant

For a few weeks now I've been on the hunt for regular band tees, almost in any size, as long as it's with a band I like and the print is on a black shirt. The hard part? It's not supposed to be new. Swedes are obviously not about giving up their good band tees …