The good, the bad and the sorrow.

Hello. It's been a while since my last post. Fall has come and gone. It feels like winter now, we've had some snow and the daylight is scarce. So much have happened since last time I wrote anything, I felt like sharing some of it. Let's start with the hardest part. Whyson, our littlest cat …

When it rains, it pours.

Hey! I'm back. Long story short can be condensed into two words. The flu. I feel like it's taken at least two months to recover but it's "only" been three weeks. Christmas and New Year's got kinda canceled, everyone has had either the flu, Covid or a bad cold and it seems as if it's …

The last dinosaur

It's been a long time coming but it seems as if all blogs are dying. I get it, sort of. I'm not very good at keeping this one running either and part of the reason is life in general but another, potentially bigger thing, is inspiration from others. Back when there were more written content …

50 Random Facts

Because I felt like it. 1. What’s your favorite candle scent? If I'm only allowed one it's probably gonna be a good cinnamon scent. The smell of fall and darkness. (I can't wait for summer to be over) 2. What female celebrity do you wish you were related to?It's something I've never thought about before at …

My goals for 2021

Back in January, I set up three different goals for the year and in all honesty, I sort of just remembered that it happened. You can read about them here but the short version is this: Learn 3 songs on guitar. (I'm a complete beginner)Get back to nature photography.Try to keep a bullet journal. How …

2021 Goals

I am not going to write too much about the New Year's resolution I set for 2020, it was about buying less new things and thrift as much as possible. It worked out really well and my mindset has shifted when it comes to shopping. It's still an ongoing thing, shopping as little as possible …