Update on those New Year’s goals

We’ve made it through the first half of 2023 and I thought I’d make an update on how my goals are working out for me. Did I even start? Here's the 6 months re-cap! At least 50% of the annual re-cap on Spotify is going to be songs I listened to (because Partner in crime …

Fangirl for Arch Enemy

Arch Enemy has been one of my absolute favorite metal bands for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a soft spot for women who growls. So. When the dates for their 2023 tour were released, I couldn’t resist and booked tickets for the gig in Kalmar, about a 2 hour drive away. …

Sign of life

Hello, is anyone still out there waiting for this blog to update? It is now Midsummer's eve and finally possible for me to sit down and write a little. I might have mentioned earlier this year (?) that my desk situation at home was bad. A stunning antique piece that was not made for long …