Top 5 obsessions

Stray. This was a birthday gift but I just recently got around to try it out and it’s one of the coziest games I’ve ever played. It’s the perfect game to come home to after a long day at work. 

Music production. So… I bought a midi controller and am now about to try to understand the basics of a DAW. This has been a dream of mine for years, not to necessarily make music for others, it’s more about the ability to CREATE music on my own. 

Glow in the dark jewelry. I love stuff that glows in the dark. One of the beads on my Trollbeads bracelet glows mesmerizingly in the dark and I want more accessories like that. 

Ville Valo. The new VV album is out and I’m waiting for the vinyl record to arrive (if it ever will, Royal Mail seems to be royally fucked atm) but I’m listening through Spotify so it’s fine anyway. There’s not much to say, I love this artist too much to have an objective opinion, the obsession started about 20 years ago and never faded. The new album is good. Really good, even though I wish there were more new songs on it. Hopefully this is just the first of many new albums to come. 

Desk/workstation. This is a tough one because I am currently using an amazing secretary desk from the late 1700’s/early 1800’s with curly birch details, hidden compartments and and just an abundance of awesomeness. However… It is not optimal for long periods of work/play and even though I had no trouble working from my bed in my early 20’s, that’s not what life is now. If my back and shoulders are going to survive I have to realize that this is not a viable solution if I can’t find a better setup somehow. The real problem is I can’t bare selling this desk and nothing comes close in comparison *insert Sinéad O’Connor here* and we live in a small apartment with nowehere else to put it so…I don’t know what to do at this point. Advice desperately wanted.

2 Replies to “Top 5 obsessions”

  1. If the desk just needs to be taller, you could prop it up on blocks or try attaching ”bun feet” to the legs. Some bun feet are very pretty and most of them just screw or glue on.

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    1. Believe it or not but it’s the other way around, it’s a bit too high for regular office chairs. That’s manageable with a pillow though, what’s harder to fix is that it’s too shallow 😞 I sit too close to the screen with very little room for my arms and legs. Clearly it wasn’t meant for a desktop computer to begin with 😆


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