30 Day Music Challenge, day 22

A song that makes you cry. I’m such an emotional ball of spikes, studs and black clothes. If something is funny I’ll laugh til I cry, if it’s something sad I’ll weep with snot bubbles coming out of my ears. I feel a lot, okay? Now to the fun part, this made me dig through all the playlists from 2009 to now, in order to find a sing that brought tears to my eyes today and…nothing. I mean, I know what I usually play if I’m feeling low but for once, my mood is too cheery to be distracted by anything. What’s this? But the last album ever from Kent is always emotional to listen to. They were a constant through my entire life and it was almost like losing a friend when they decided to break up the band. It ended with some of the best songs they ever made and to quote a Neil Young; it’s better to burn out than fade away.

Den vänstra stranden (The left beach) might be the most beautiful love song ever written and I can not get enough of the music video. I lose my breath at 3:57 Every. Single. Time. They have such a effortless way of connecting their songs to the entire discography. Even if it’s 24 years in between. DĂĄ som nu för alltid. If I can speak fluently in Kent lyrics? Guilty.

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